Nasrul , Azmir , Amirul , Shebby , Me
For the last course outline for Malaysian Territory Army(MTAF103), we need to manage our own event.So we've decided to make a prom night event.Before the night , there is a camping for 2days 1night.Cant imagine how tired we are.

Lepas official event, kiteorang buat macam dance party.Memang happening gila lah.Dah macam dekat club.Tapi sayang lepastu , ade a few student pergi smoke dekat luar.Dah la dekat ADMIN building so memang2 la kene bann dengan guard kat situ semua.University mane yang boleh smoking ? Kan ? . Time tu senior member of uniten ade , so dia arahkan all the guards suruh kiteorang balek.how sadd.Memang rugi lah kiteorg bayar rm30 just for makan sikit and lepak2 kejap jea.tak berbaloi.Tapi we do enjoy.

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